We care about meeting your medical needs. For that purpose, Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina provides professional, modern and international standard services. Our medical teams are supported by the best facilities and latest technology, to ensure the best care for you and your family.
The Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina has been established since 1972 and earned full accreditation. We offer 24-hour Cito examination services and various facilities such as Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Hematology and 24-hour Blood Bank. Managed by experienced experts, using the advanced technology, and administrative processes supported by LIS (Laboratory Information System) we ensure to deliver accurate results for patient satisfaction.
Supported by various advanced facilities, our physiology anatomy laboratory performs various specimen analysis such as histopathology, cytopathology, histochemistry and immunoperoxydation staining.
Instalasi Radiologi kami menawarkan pemeriksaan radiologi yang dipandu oleh dokter ahli dan menggunakan teknologi mutakhir. Fasilitas ini dilengkapi dengan perangkat terkini seperti MRI 1,5 tesla, CT Scan Helical, dan Multislice, memungkinkan organ tubuh dan pembuluh darah nampak detail.
The Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Teranostics installation uses radiation energy from nuclear to diagnose and treat diseases, as well as assisting in the diagnostic support of diseases such as cancer metastasis in the bone and heart muscle blood flow disorders.
We provide nutrition services for hospital patients, both inpatients and outpatients, for better body metabolism and improving health to support the preventive, curative, rehabilitation and promotive efforts. The Nutrition Installation also serves meals for employees, visitors and out-side catering.
Medical Rehabilitation or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IKFR) is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of physical and cognitive disorders with a holistic approach to maximize overall functional ability.