It was an honor for RS Pusat Pertamina ( RSPP ) to have the Chief Operating Officer of Mayo Clinic International, Biju Samkutty, who is in charge of running operations and partnerships around the world, visit RSPP and deliver an impressive message and presentation about Mayo Clinic leadership in front of RSPP senior and junior leaders.
At the same time, we were also very pleased to provide a five-month update on RSPP implementation activities as a Mayo Clinic Care Network Member (MCCN) to our Mayo account team leader Royston Lek. We have discussed many future opportunities in our collaboration with Mayo Clinic, the #1 ranked hospital in the world.
We are certainly proud to be the first MCCN member in Indonesia.
#RSPP #RSPusatPertamina #MayoClinic #MayoClinicCareNetwork #MCCN
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